Friday, February 13, 2009


PRESIDENT PERES TO SPEAK AT CONNECTIONS 2009Israel’s president, Shimon Peres, has officially accepted the World Union’s invitation to speak to delegates at the CONNECTIONS 2009 closing ceremony on Sunday, March 22 in Tel Aviv, capping what will be an outstanding lineup of speakers from among the movement’s highest leaders. Peres has lived a life of political, defense and diplomatic service to Israel, and will offer his perspective on the country’s state of affairs and the developing role of Progressive Judaism there.
Heads of many of the World Union-affiliated regions and institutions in the Progressive, Reform and Liberal movements will address both hot topics and fundamental issues throughout the five-day convention, providing intellectual stimulation, emotional connections and practical skills for the times we live in.
Information about convention speakers and the many sessions and onsite visits is available on the CONNECTIONS 2009 Web site. Remember to check back regularly for updates.