Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Dear Andre Moshè Pereira,

As southern Israel was under rocket assault from Hamas-controlled Gaza, the Arab print media chose to publish some of the most hateful and incendiary anti-Semitic cartoons we have ever seen. These cartoons have one purpose - to stir up hatred of Jews and Israel. This must be stopped now.
ADL is sending a
message of outrage to the ambassadors of the Arab countries whose newspapers publish these cartoons, letting them know we will not tolerate such hateful material. Add your signature to our letter and let your voice be heard.
In ADL's decades of monitoring anti-Jewish editorial caricatures in the Arab press, we have seldom seen such a barrage of such staggeringly hateful,
anti-Semitic and anti-Israel images. These outrageous cartoons vilify Israel and portray the Jewish state as an aggressor with genocidal ambitions - again and again, making an obscene and defamatory comparison between Israel's defensive military action to protect its people, and the killing of European Jews during the Holocaust.
Help us continue the fight against this dangerous incitement. Thank you in advance for your support on this important issue.